Friday, 28 February 2014

Shoes Shoes and Shoes


No, I'm not a shopaholic nor do I have any special relationship with shoes, 
but I just love it when you're out in the town having a walk without any stress of having to find something in particular. I just hate it when you really have to buy something, but you can't find anything you like. 
This time I walked in to a shoe shop and found all of these beauties at once, they were just right for my taste and I just happened to be in a need of FOUR new pairs of shoes, so I took them all.
Now the spring can really come !!
PS. The high heels may remain new and shiny for a while as my growing baby belly is
demanding for more comfortable solutions.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Spring is here

My daughter is now two years old and we have finally 
FINALLY started to enjoy the long walks together. Some time  a go she
just wouldn't sit in the stroller. Today she ran from home to the near by beach,
jumping, laughing and screaming as she went. It was a beautiful spring day, without 
the wind from the sea. This kind of days remind me that I'm actually really lucky to live in Bari,
my "new" home.