Friday, 28 February 2014

Shoes Shoes and Shoes


No, I'm not a shopaholic nor do I have any special relationship with shoes, 
but I just love it when you're out in the town having a walk without any stress of having to find something in particular. I just hate it when you really have to buy something, but you can't find anything you like. 
This time I walked in to a shoe shop and found all of these beauties at once, they were just right for my taste and I just happened to be in a need of FOUR new pairs of shoes, so I took them all.
Now the spring can really come !!
PS. The high heels may remain new and shiny for a while as my growing baby belly is
demanding for more comfortable solutions.


  1. The turqoise shoes: what a wonderful Frida Kahlo look-a-like <3. FITS!

  2. They are beautiful aren't day ? I just love colorful shoes, they make you smile ! Thanks dear, x
