This week I've had the luxury of having the mornings free, peaceful and quiet. Monday morning I imagined my self making long walks, doing yoga, working on the book project and finishing it half way and all this would leave me satisfied, relaxed and wonderful.
Of course, like often in life, it just doesn't keep up with our plans.
It's been more like running in grocery stores, washing laundry, ironing and cooking. I often cook in the morning, just to be able to have more free time in the evening with my family. Am I nuts ?
Who is this person ? Two years a go I never imagined my self doing such a thing. Well this is me
being a mum. Feeling guilty of not having enough quality time with my family. Even if, seriously I do. I'm sure there are other mums knowing exactly what I'm talking about. I would just love to hear your thoughts about it. Do you feel guilty ? Isn't it hard to feel like a good mum ? Even if you probably are. Well this all could be solved by organizing the time better and maybe doing some of the listed duties in the evening time. But I'm not quit there yet.
Another little obstacle this week has been that I'm sick again. Yeah, I know it's spring and all and I've been posting all those sunny photos, but the truth is that I feel like half death, my eyes are shiny, red and itching so I guess it means that I have some sort of an infection. Oh god, when will this stop.
This is easily the 4th or 5th time this winter of me not being well. And I have been eating well, I drink those damn green smoothies and I put lemon in my water and all, but I don't think it's working for me. Not this winter.
Anyway, enough of moaning. This is life, isn't it. We all have our difficulties, fears and stress.
That's how life is. And it's not a big deal. Important is how you will cope with everything.
Will you feel miserable or can you find something positive about the situation.
Just some of the things that make me feel good this week are listed below :
* The Spring is still here !
* My daughter has been in nursery for almost two weeks now, and she's still not sick.
I can see that she enjoys playing with other kids, learns so many things so fast and has
been getting some really nice feedback from the teachers.
* I did have time to draw and I really love it.
* I feel much more satisfied and yes relaxed after having a bit more free time for my self.
* It's Friday and I'm about to spend another lovely weekend with my family.
What positive can you find in your day, or week ? Just think about it, and you'll smile.
Have a nice weekend everyone !
Oh and here's a picture of part of what I've done for the book project so far.