If you work in a South Italian bank in a little town called Bitonto
and you take a good care of your clients, you'll be lucky. Why ?
Because your richest clients would be farmers and as Italians are incredibly generous and caring people, they might bring you bags and boxes of the goodies. Oil, olives, fruits and vegetables. Even wine. Right now, among some other fruits and vegetables, olives are freshly collected from the trees. Before I came to live in Italy, I thought olives were fairly delicious although too salty for my taste. I had never tasted a fresh olive. I can tell you it's another thing. So what did my Italian partner do the first thing on Sunday morning. Sliced some fresh olives and tomatoes and in they went to oven with some oregano, oil and salt. I had it with some whole grain rise for a lunch and it was the best thing I've had this month. Got to love him !