Sunday, 21 June 2015

The New Studio Table

Yes, I'm back and slowly feeling the energy coming back to me. 
Moving to Bari Palese two months a go turned out to be a very tiering process with the kids. However we're feeling really satisfied and peacful about the the new neighbourhood. We've slowly started to
decorate the new three bedroom flat and the latest and so far dearest purchase is an old dusty table.

Not long a go I spotted this old beauty on and we quickly scheduled an appointment to see the table. Not long after we packed the kids in the car and off we went to Trani.
We spent a lovely day out enjoying "aperativo", lunch and ice creams.

The table was beautiful so we HAD TO have it. 


The owner of the table also gave us an old vase that was once used to keep the houses warm.
(If I understood well the carbon used to be heated n this vase.)
One week after our trip the table arrived at his new home and took his place in the studio. 

And here's Trani. You should definitely see Trani.

Next week we might go for a holiday by the coast, so some family time ahead. 
Enjoy the summer everyone, I'll get back to you soon, promise.

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