Monday 19 May 2014


The things that I'm getting done these days are just getting fewer and fewer, but there are two new things happening in my life today. I have finally started to use Instagram !! No, don't look yet at my profile because there's nothing to see, but TODAY I created the profile and took first quick photos. I kind of like it because the photos are cool with the square shape and with the effects you can choose to apply on them. I'm gonna be much more active with photo shooting from now on. 
Secondly, I know I've already mentioned it, but this pregnancy is getting on my nerves now. The giant belly, tiredness and slowness with everything is making me nervous. I have quit a healthy diet normally, but lately I've been eating a bit too much of ice creams, bread and pasta. Now I'm gonna put an extra effort on thinking what I'm eating because everything and I mean EVERYTHING I eat matters a lot right now.
Well ok, if you want to follow me or stay in contact on Instagram, here's the link :

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